About The Foster Zoo

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We have decided to blog our adventures again. So much has changed since we last blogged. Bella and Shiloh both went to their forever homes and they are in wonderful families. June Bug got adopted. We quit fostering dogs after those adoptions because Tanker's epilepsy got bad. We quit doing therapy dog work because Tanker's epilepsy got bad. Tanker passed away June 9th, 2013. We adopted a senior border collie named Shania Tankerbelle in his memory. We still have our two cats, Sweet Pea and Little Bit. Wes has started rescuing pitiful bettas from Wal-Mart and we currently have seven. We have a camper. We camp. We have focused on giving our animals the best lives possible. We are The Foster Zoo Crew and we like to have fun.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Starting fresh

We love our friends and family.  We love our lives and helping others.  The Air Force has blessed us greatly and has moved us around to wonderful places.  We have friends around the world.  Experiencing different regions of the country, different countries around the world, and different people from all walks of life has opened up our eyes and minds to find blessings in our vast differences and many similarities.  We like to see the good in all people and things.  After moving from Georgia in 2002, God began a massive transformation in our lives.  From our young marriage at the age of 20 (we met and discovered we were soul-mates when we 19), moving to our first home at Fairchild AFB in Spokane, Washington (thousands of miles from our friends and families), rescuing our first cat (Sweet Pea) and dog (Blondie) within weeks of getting our first home, countless deployments and TDYs for Wes, college graduations, numerous career achievements, exploring the West Coast and Northwest, traveling across the country twice, Wes' acceptance into a prestigious squadron, Lindsay's injuries and illness, the deaths of many family members, the death of our first dog (Blondie), learning through grief, growing through our friends of many faiths, training dogs, meeting new people, volunteering, gaining family, losing family, being accepted by others who were least expected, being rejected by some close to us, and all the experiences in between, God has shaped our lives into what they are today.  We have a strong faith, a lot of love, and desire to share it with others. 

Please join us in our adventure and watch as God continues to work in our lives.  We do not know what the future holds, but we are determined to make it work.  Our past will mold our future.  Today is a gift, which is why we call it the present. 

I may only be one person and can only make a small difference, but together we make two.  Let us join hands and make a big impact in the lives of others.  -Lindsay and Wes

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