About The Foster Zoo

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We have decided to blog our adventures again. So much has changed since we last blogged. Bella and Shiloh both went to their forever homes and they are in wonderful families. June Bug got adopted. We quit fostering dogs after those adoptions because Tanker's epilepsy got bad. We quit doing therapy dog work because Tanker's epilepsy got bad. Tanker passed away June 9th, 2013. We adopted a senior border collie named Shania Tankerbelle in his memory. We still have our two cats, Sweet Pea and Little Bit. Wes has started rescuing pitiful bettas from Wal-Mart and we currently have seven. We have a camper. We camp. We have focused on giving our animals the best lives possible. We are The Foster Zoo Crew and we like to have fun.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tanker Update

 We went up to Woodbridge Animal Hospital to visit Tanker last night.  We brought Topher with us because we knew it would do both dogs good to see each other.  We didn't get to go until around 11:30 last night because they were really busy with emergencies up until then.  Because Tanker is hooked up to an IV, we have to have a private room to visit with him.  I don't know if I have ever mentioned how much I love Woodbridge Animal Hospital.  We take the animals there for all their regular vet needs.  They also have an emergency clinic and several specialty vets in house.  We love them!  They are very compassionate towards animals. 

Tanker was really drugged up last night.  He had two seizures yesterday evening.  Plus he had the additional Valium in his system, extra Phenobarbital, and Zonisimide.  Although he was really sedate, he was glad to see us and Topher.  He wagged his tail and enjoyed us petting him.  He then layed down by the door to go back to sleep.  Topher layed with him and loved on his brother.  He even gave  him kisses on the head.  It was very sweet.  When we left, Topher didn't want to jump up into the car.  I think he felt that he should have his brother going home with him.  After attempt three, he got in the back of the car and sighed like he was saying, "okay fine, but we're only leaving him one more night."

We talked with the vet this morning.  Tanker remained seizure free all night.  He did well.  Tanker's neurologist then called me.  (She is based out of Springfield and Leesburg, not Woodbridge.)  She was puzzled as to why we didn't start the Keppra yet.  I told her it was because it was too expensive and that we couldn't afford a $400 a month drug.  I told her how we had increased the Phenobarbital to 60 mg bid and increased the Zonisimide to 250 mg bid.  She seemed irritated that the emergency doctor didn't follow her recommendations.  She said Tanker would be too drunk on those levels.  (Like I said before, he's been on 300 mg of Zonisimide bid before and did fine on it, although she thought he was too drunk.)  She said that the generic form of Keppra is much cheaper at Costco.  She called it into Costco where we usually pick up his meds.  Wes is going to pick it up now and drive it over to Woodbridge.  (Woodbridge does not keep it on stock because it is a human drug and it is not used very often in dogs.  Same goes for the Zonisimide.)  I am hoping it is  A LOT cheaper at Costco, because we really cannot afford $400 a month for one drug.  There is a reason we drive older cars.  We're military.  We don't make tons of money.  Adding Keppra is like a car payment.

If Tanker does fine all day, he'll be coming home tonight.  Wes is working 3:30 until midnight.  He'll pick Tanker up on his way home from work.  I am keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers that he does fine and that we can afford to keep him seizure free for as long as we can.  Tanker and Topher have jobs to do.  They are trained and ready to spread their love to others.  Tanker's purpose is to help children with disabilities.  Tanker has a disability.  He is the perfect dog to show others that's it's okay to not be "normal."  That's our purpose as therapy dog teams.

Topher comforting Tanker at the vet last night. Topher is Tanker's therapy dog. He is my therapy dog. He has been a blessing to our family.

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